Pro Ripped Max
1 Up Nutrition
Maximum Strength Weight Loss Solution
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Promotes Energy,
- Promotes Mood and Focus
- Promotes Appetite Control
Full Ingredient Disclosure
L-Theanine – An amino acid that helps with anxiety (Anti-Jitters)
3 Way Caffeine Complex will eliminate the dreaded post-caffeine energy crash
100 mg Caffeine Anhydrous - highly concentrated dry caffeine
50 mg Caffeine Citrate is the fast acting caffeine and with combination other sources of caffeine to increase energy faster and extend the duration of the benefits.
50 mg Infinergy (Decaffeine Melate) - patented ingredient developed by innovative supplement ingredient supplier Creative Compounds. In comparison to caffeine anhydrous, Infinergy is a milder form of caffeine that has a longer-lasting stimulatory effect that helps to minimize the dreaded post-caffeine energy ‘crash’ without the excessive "jitters" side effect
Citrus Aurantium Extract 30% Synephrine
(bitter orange) helps with weight-loss and as appetite suppressants
Eria Jakensis Extract - Orchid species local to countires in South East Asia. provides therapeutic mood boosting effects due to its ability increasse hormone levels of Dopamine and Noradrenaline in the body. These hormones are also associated with enhacing concentration levels, alertness, focus, and feeling good mood.
White Willow Bark Extract 25% Salicin - helps accelerate the ability to burn fat by thinning the blood which extends the effectiveness of other thermogenic ingredients which helps increase the amount of fat that is being burned.
Theabromine - Widens blood vessels. It allows blood vessels to carry more oxygen to your muscles as well as other body parts. It also works by carting off lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Just like caffeine, this can help you be more awake and aware.
GBBEEC (Gamma Butyrobetaine Ethyl Ester HC1) - Elevates the body's production of L-Carnitine and helps improve energy levels and athletic performance
Paradoxine® (Grains of paradise Extract 12.5 6 Paradol) - is a revolutionary new trademarked fat loss ingredient that revs up your metabolism to promotes Fat Thermogenesis
Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract 90% Rauwolscine helps stop the growth of fat cells and helps reduce stubborn fat. It also relaxes and widens the blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and blood flow to muscles during your workouts
Full Label Disclosure
As a dietary supplement, take four (4) capsule daily. Take two (2) capsule before the first meal of the day and two (2) capsules six (6) hours later. Must only be taken orally.